
A New Year Thought For You!

Oh, how I wish you the happiest new year ever! I'm back home in my own nest--nothing like that feeling is there? I have some new reading material that is very inspiring, and it's perfect for the new year or anytime. The message is LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE NOW!

In reflecting over the past year, I am actually pretty thrilled to realize I did what I should have done and what I want to do MORE in 2008, and that is to surrender myself to what God wants me to do. Yes! I can say that in most aspects of my life, I feel confident that I did that. And did He prosper me as He says He will? Yes!! A resounding yes! Not all is perfect though--I still have things to work on, but I have enough experience in that surrender now that I'm confident to do it more and do it in ALL THINGS.

Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We forget this promise and want to do it on our own. Our own wrong thinking can keep us from God's best for our lives. I don't want to be a stumbling block to all the blessings that I can have! Do you?

So let's start BELIEVING more. Believe. That takes a conscious effort. Believe is my mantra. Hence my fashion ministry:

Start living your life through eyes of faith. Enlarge your vision and see yourself rising to new levels. See your business grow. See your marriage restored! See your family prospering! See it. Hope with expectation that God will follow through--that's faith.

I challenge YOU right now to live with more faith. I sure am! God bless you and your 2008!