

Every new year brings the idea of making resolutions. Mine is the same from year to year and is very vague: Be better! In all areas of my life, that is. I love to grow and improve in every way. I'm driven that way, I guess. One great way to grow is to gain more knowledge by reading books. I began really reading even more in 2006, and I've never felt better. I'm reading how to be a real "Lovecat" in my business in the book: "Love is the Killer App" by Tim Sanders. It is an awesome read, telling how business ethics have changed so much with new age of the internet, blogs, email and the wealth of instant information at our fingertips.

Another one I'm reading is "Citizen Marketers" by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba. Check out the links--I'll update you on what I get from them soon!